In our recent recorded Serendipity webinar we talked about two topics: the “blocking” issue and how we as teachers might cope with it; and a look at 21st Century learning skills – how and whether these should be integrated into curriculum standards.
The Session
This session was active through text and audio but less so on the whiteboard particularly with our first topic of “blocking”. This is a subject that always generates considerable discussion as people relate their experiences and try to find solutions. We also considered the possiblity that some of the isses arise because there is a shortage of technical support – particularly in smaller schools (as always we use school in its broadest sense). A possible solution to this – the “Mouse Squad” was mentioned. This is an innovative youth development programme where students provide IT support in their schools. Mention of this programme provided a neat transition into our second topic on 21st Century learning skills and their integration into curriculum. The focus here was on the need for curriculum writers to be teachers or to use input from teachers in developing curriculum. We also touched on the development of common core standards that is beginning to happen in countries of federated states like the USA and Australia, and also across countries as in the European Union.
This was an interesting session in that we had originally decided to look at three topics – there was a three way tie for choice. However there wasn’t really time for a third topic so we stopped at two. This worked well and as is often the case there are links between topics so we transitioned almost seamlessly between the two. I think it is a lesson learned that three topics in one session is too many!
Next Session
Our next Webinar is an Edublogs “Fine Focus” session. This week Rachael Colley presents “Going LIVE & PAPERLESS with GoogleDocs”. In this interactive session Rachael will demonstrate how she uses GoogleDocs with her students. Rachael is an ICT Trainer in the TAFE (Public Vocational Education and Training) sector in Melbourne, Australia. Join us on Thursday Sept 9th at 23:00 GMT/UTC (7pm USA EST, Midnight BST) or Friday Sept 10th at 1am CEST,7am West Aus, 9am NSW, depending on your timezone – in the usual Elluminate room
In the Future
If you are a regular visitor to our webinars you will know that we alternate “Fine Focus” sessions on specific topics with “Serendipity” the unconference sessions where we choose a topic by poll at the start of the session. Sometimes the very fact of being asked for “hot topics” or other ideas for discussion or learning tends to make our minds blank. This has prompted me to start a Serendipity Wallwisher for topic suggestions. Please visit the wall and add your ideas for Serendipity topics so that we have more choices to consider. Some of these ideas might also form the basis for future “Fine Focus” sessions.